ABA Therapy for Adults: Expanding the Scope

Folks who fall on the autism spectrum often face increased challenges in life, particularly when it comes to healthy emotional expression and developing social skills. Fortunately, there are a variety of treatments that can be used to improve skills and outcomes. This is true for both children and adults. One of the most effective methods is Applied Behavior Analysis, or ABA for short. If you'd like to learn more about ABA therapy and live near Antlers, OK, contact Ruby Pate and George Pate at Brighter Days Wellness and Behavior Analysis.

Finding a Path to Success

 People with potential learning and socialization challenges can have very rich and fulfilling lives. The right care and approach could go a long way toward ensuring a higher quality of life and more rounded development. If you or a loved one are struggling with autism, the right professional assistance can go a long way.

In the past, Applied Behavioral Analysis therapy often focused on kids. A child's mind is typically more flexible than an adult's mind. This means that there may be more room to alter behaviors and curb bad habits, and thus addressing autism often focused on younger, more "flexible" minds. As a person grows older, he or she may start to become set in his or her ways. However, it is still possible to modify behavior and encourage good habits with adults.

While it may be best to start addressing autism and other challenges early on, there are still plenty of opportunities for adults. This includes both folks who have and have not previously received professional assistance. The right treatments can impart life and work skills, helping adults live more independently.

A Closer Look at Treating Adults

 Socialization skills, including both personal and workplace skills, are often a major focus of ABA treatment. With young kids, such treatment may focus on playtime. With adults, real-world interactions with other people are often emphasized. For example, how do you manage relations with a boss? How about the employees at the store or a government agency? This real-world training can go a long way and can lead to a more harmonious life.

ABA therapy is comprehensive and tailored to individual challenges. This can improve outcomes no matter your age. If you'd like to try ABA therapy and live near Antlers, OK, you can contact George Pate and Ruby Pate at Brighter Days Wellness and Behavior Analysis by calling 580 209 6112.

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7:00 AM – 7:00 PM


7:00 AM – 7:00 PM


7:00 AM – 7:00 PM


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7:00 AM – 7:00 PM



